Anna University B.Tech - I.T. QUESTION PAPER Collections - R 2017 00:19:00 No comments Anna university question papers for B.Tech - I.T. Department all semester question papers Collection in PDF Format.. 1st Semester HS8151-Communicative English MA8151-Engineering Mathematics-I PH8151-Engineering Physics CY8151-Engineering Chemistry GE8151-Problem Solving and Python Programming GE8152-Engineering Graphics BS8161-Physics Lab - Manual 2nd Semester HS8251-Technical English MA8251-Engineering Mathematics-II PH8252-Physics for Information Science IT8201-Information Technology Essentials CS8251-Programming in C BE8255-Basic Electrical Electronics and Measurement Engineering IT8211-Information Technology Essentials CS8261-C Programming Lab Manual GE8261-Engineering Practices Lab_CIVIL GE8261-Engineering Practices Lab_ECE GE8261-Engineering Practices Lab_EEE GE8261-Engineering Practices Lab_MECH 3rd Semester CS8351-Digital Principles and system Design CS8391-Data Structures CS8392-Object Oriented Programming EC8394-Analog and Digital Communication GMA8351-Discrete Mathematics 4th Semester CS6401-Operating Systems CS6402-Design Analysis and Algorithms CS6403-Software Engineering EC6504-Microcroprocessor and Microcontroller MA6453-Probability and Queueing Theory 5th Semester CS6502-Object Oriented Analysis and Design CS6551-Computer Networks EC6801-Wireless Communication IT6501-Graphics and Multimedia IT6502-Digital Signal Processing IT6503-Web Programming 6th Semester CS6001-C# and .NET Programming CS6601-Distributed Systems CS6659-Artificial Intelligence CS6660-Compiler Design IT6001-Advanced Database Technology IT6601-Mobile Computing IT6602-Software Architecture 7th Semester CS6701-Cryptography and Network Security CS6703-Grid and Cloud Computing IT6004-Software Testing IT6006-Data Analytics IT6701-Information Management IT6702-Data warehousing and Data Mining 8th Semester CS6004-Cyber Forensics CS6008-Human Computer Interaction CS6010-Social Network Analysis IT6009-Web Engineering IT6010-Business Intelligence IT6012-TCP-IP Design and Implementation IT6013-Software Quality Assurance IT6801-Service Oriented Architecture Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+ Stumble Digg Email ThisBlogThis!Share to XShare to Facebook
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